Discrete Dynamics Lab

Tools for researching Cellular Automata, Random Boolean Networks, multi-value Discrete Dynamical Networks, and beyond

Andy Wuensche
andy AT ddlab DOT org
Visiting research fellow
Dept. of Informatics (formerly COGS)
School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex

Visiting Professor
International Center of Unconventional Computing
University of the West of England

DDLab mirror sites:

Citations in Google Scholar

far left: pencil drawing from
the very early days
left: automatic computer drawing
of the same basin of attraction

latest updates EDD Manual DDLab versions - the X‑rule - 3d‑glider‑guns - Lecture slides - DD‑Life - Beehive‑rule - Spiral‑rule - The DDLab Gallery - Attractor basins - What is DDLab? - Reviews - Registration - Publications - Presentations
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxCollaboration LINKSxxxxxxxxxx
José Manuel Gómez Soto
Universal Computation in 2D Cellular Automaton

ddlabz12 update September 2024
This Sept 2024 update (following the Sept 2023 update) includes a new toggle between the "wiring graphic" and the "interactive-graph", and some improvements and bug fixes, including ...
  • Directly accessing the interactive network-graph from the wiring graphic, allowing toggling between the two.
  • Inprovements to "Labels at nodes" for interactive graphs.
  • Various edits to EDD 2024 especially chapter 20, also "The Derrida Plot" section 22.7, and "The wiring grphic" section 17.4.
  • An new arXiv paper "Interactive Graph Visualization in DDLab" is available, to appear in "Advances in Cellular Automata", eds. Adamatzky et al, Springer.

arbitrary labels in an ibaf-graph isolated basin v2k3n10

ibaf-graph: 17 basins rearranged by drag/drop, CA v3k3n8
updated EDD 2024 (EDD) Exploring Discrete Dynamics -- updated Second Edition -- The DDlab Manual. This hyperref pdf book corresponds to ddlabz12 Sept 2024.
toggling between the "wiring graphic"and the "network=graph" 3d 9x9x9 random wiring k=1
ddlab_compiled_Sept2024 compiled ddlabz11, for Linux, RaspberryPi, Mac, Cygwin, DOS, and readme's.
ddlab_code_Sept2024 source code for ddlabz11, readme's, and Makefiles
complete archive An archive of compiles, code, and documentation,
for the latest versions of ddlabz11 Sept 2023, and all previous versions dating to back 1995.
download directory
of compiles, code, and docs, for ddlabz12 Sept 2024 and some previous versions. Also includes dd_extra.tar.gz extra files to supplement DDLab and fonts for Linux which may be required.

Online update 2024: Exploring Discrete Dynamics - Second Edition  The first edition was published in 2011, the second edition in 2016, by Luniver Press, an 8x10 inch 577 page paperback with color figures, available at Amazon-UK, Amazon-USA, and other online book sellers.

Advance Praise by Stuart Kauffman
These discrete state finite automata have become a mainstay in the study of complex systems, exhibiting order, criticality, and chaos. Andy Wuensche's "Exploring Discrete Dynamics" 2016, is by far the most advanced tool for simulating such systems and has become widely important in the field of complexity.

More reviews here.

2d Network-graph with a dragged linked fragment on active node 14

3d glider-gun
click to enlarge

The Spiral Rule

1d CA space-time pattern as a >scrolling
tube. The present moment is at the front.

Null Bpoundary Conditions, Basin of attraction
field, ECA rule 150, n=11

3d 200x200x200 space-time patt-
ern. Large sizes are possible
in ddlabx09


DDLab is free (open source) software under the GNU General Public License. However, institutional users (commercial or educational) are required to register and pay a registration fee. Personal users are also encouraged to register. Registered users will receive a simple instruction to remove the annoying "UNREGISTERED" banners in DDLab. For registration details, click HERE.

The DDLab  Galleryxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The DDLab Gallery is a collection of DDLab images and graphics, with captions, illustrating some of DDLab's features up to the time the Gallery was started in Oct 1998.
Later graphics between then and now can be found in updates.

The figure on the right shows a way of representing a network as a graph which can be rearranged by dragging vertices. This is a "scale free" RBN, n=150 with a power-law distribution of both k and out-degree.
A similar graph is the "attractor jump-graph", which shows the probability of jumping between basins of attraction subject to noise. For some examples click here

Lecture slides

About 80 lecture slides from 2006. Click here to see the slide pdf - its a large file so might take a minute.
You may use/copy these slides provided the source is propery referenced.

Attractor Basinsxxxxxxxx

Attractor basins of discrete dynamical networks are objects in space-time that link network states according to their transitions. Click here for a summary of idea. Access to these objects, depicted as state transition graphs according to DDLab's graphic conventions, provides insights into complexity, chaos and emergent phenomena in cellular automata. In less ordered networks (as well as CA), attractor basins show how a network is able to categorize its state space, explaining what it is that constitutes memory in a network.
detail of a basin of attraction of an RBN. Click to enlarge

What is DDLab?

DDLab is interactive graphics software for researching discrete dynamical networks, relevant to the study of complexity, emergent phenomena, neural and bio-molecular networks - especially gene regulatory networks, and any other dynamical process that plays out across a directed network, where nodes receive inputs from other nodes.

A discrete dynamical network (DDN) can have arbitrary connections and heterogeneous rules, and includes Cellular Autamata (CA), and "Random Boolean Networks" (RBN), where the "Boolean" atribute is extended to multi-value. Lattice dimensions can be 1d, 2d (triangular, hex, or square) or 3d. Many tools and functions are available for creating the network (its rules and wiring), setting the initial state, analyzing the dynamics, and amending parameters on-the-fly. An overview is provided in this 2008 pdf preprint, and the in-depth operating manual "Exploring Discrete Dynamics" Sept 2024 update.

The program iterates the network forward to display space-time patterns, and also runs the network "backwards" to generate a pattern's predecessors and reconstruct its branching sub-tree of all ancestor patterns. For smaller networks, sub-trees, basins of attraction or the whole basin of attraction field can be reconstructed and displayed as directed graphs in real time. The DDLab Gallery shows examples.

1d scrolling space-time pattern
v2k5 rule 5c6a4d98. Click to enlarge


Early Reviews of DDLab Reviews of "The Global Dynamics of Cellular Automata"
The entire book has been scanned and is available in pdf -- 39,09M. Reviews of Exploring Discrete Dynamics

DDLab's screen saver -- click to enlarge

Related Publicationsxxxxx

Books and various papers related to DDLab are listed here, most are in pdf.

back to the start of DDLab
Last modified: Sept 2024